Maybe I wasn't alive enough to put kids out into this world, but I'm alive enough to care for the kids others made.
Maybe I wasn't alive enough to lead, but I'm alive enough to serve.
Probably I'll never make a significant scientific discovery or be admired by very smart people, but I was alive enough to sing. I was alive enough to cook, and write, and love!
Sometimes I don't feel alive enough to feel pleasure, but I can be alive enough to enjoy my memories of pleasure, to allow and honor the pleasure of others.
I wasn't alive enough to ever be a great beauty, and even if my attractiveness is diminishing by the hour, I will long be alive enough to appreciate beauty. Beauty needs a beholder to be beauty at all.
I'm alive enough to sing, even if it's just for myself. Even when I'm not alive enough to sing, I am alive enough to be still inside of a song someone else is singing.
When I'm not alive enough to speak my own words, I'm alive enough to listen and take on another person's burden, alive enough to be there to help them organize the chaos in their mind.
One day I won't be alive enough to stand, and I might only be alive enough just to know I'm alive.
After that my life will get less and less until I'm only alive enough to nourish the birds and weeds I appreciated when I was alive enough to walk. But maybe even that is Alive Enough!
I think it's time to stop being aspirational. Maybe there is no big perfect experience. I think the gnawing expectation of complete bliss steals the Joy of Enough. If you revel in Enough that can be so freeing. What if where I am right now could be enough? I wouldn't need a golden palace in heaven when I die. I wouldn't need the perfect body, perfect hair, to write the perfect book, make the perfect song, have perfect relationships. I could dispense with the psychological tyranny of always trying to be better. I would be able to finally settle. Settle into the cozy little cottage of Enough. I might be able to shake off the persistent shame of not Doing my Best or Having it All. I might be able to finally rest in there.
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